Page 13 - Helping People Afford Life
P. 13

HALLCO Community Credit Union
A 25-year, loyal member of HALLCO Community Credit Union visited the credit union seeking an increase in her outstanding personal loan. Her husband had been diagnosed with a progressive form of dementia and she wanted to make the most of the time she had left with him. They had always wanted to visit Key West, and if they didn’t do it soon, she knew it wasn’t going to happen.
Their credit wasn’t great. It wasn’t even good. They’d dealt with health issues. He had lost his job. They had  led for bankruptcy. On paper, they didn’t look like good candidates for a loan increase, but the credit union looked at the bigger picture.
This member had worked for the same employer for almost 30 years. During their entire tenure as members, she and her husband always met their payment obligations to the credit union. Considering this, HALLCO approved the loan, and the couple was able to take the trip they waited so long to enjoy.

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