Page 17 - Helping People Afford Life
P. 17

MidSouth Community Credit Union
An elderly member with impaired hearing visited her MidSouth Community Credit Union branch once a month to meet with the branch manager. The manager would assist the member in calling her mortgage company to make the monthly payment, and in withdrawing enough funds from her account to pay her other monthly bills.
Recently, the member encountered some unexpected expenses and needed to take out a small loan to cover them. The branch manager, knowing her hearing loss made it dif cult for her to conduct complicated business transactions, helped her apply over the phone.
Previously, the member counted on her husband to handle  nancial details. Alone now, she relies on her credit union to guide her through situations that are too challenging for her to con dently manage on her own. She often tells people she would be lost without the help of her credit union...a remark which reaf rms the credit union’s desire to always go the extra mile for members.

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