Page 5 - Helping People Afford Life
P. 5

Augusta Metro Federal Credit Union
In December of 2015, at the young age of 38, a wife and mother had a seizure that left her completely immobile. The family’s health insurance did not cover the round-the-clock care she needed at home.
She and her husband were both members of Augusta Metro FCU. Her husband was scraping along, trying unsuccessfully to manage three loan payments and a Visa payment to the credit union. Employees of the credit union reached out to him to see how his wife was faring, but found him dif cult to reach.
Finally, he stopped into his credit union branch. After working on a  nancial plan with him, the credit union helped him catch up on all of his expenses. They also granted a 60-day extension giving him the breathing room he needed to try and sell the vehicles the family no longer used.
The member now has a standing appointment with the credit union to evaluate his progress and help him to formulate a long-term strategy, allowing him to focus his energy on caring for his wife and children.

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