Page 21 - HPAL Booklet 2019
P. 21

A member of Associated Credit Union wanted nothing more than to purchase a home of her own, with her hard-earned money. After saving for years, her dream was about to come true.
The day before her closing, she received an email from her attorney with the wire transfer instructions which she followed to a “t.” But the next day, the attorney phoned indicating the funds were never received. They quickly learned his email account had been hacked and she’d received fraudulent wiring instructions. Her $140,000 was now sitting in an unknown fraudster’s bank account.
Once they learned of the incident, ACU’s accounting department leapt into action. They worked alongside the receiving financial institution and successfully recouped every single cent of the member’s money. Her dream was once again within reach, and eventually achieved!
Deeply grateful, the member thanked the credit union. She noted her dream would have never come to fruition without the help because she could not have earned that amount of money again in her lifetime. ACU helped save the member’s home and allowed her to achieve her lifelong dream.

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