Page 13 - HPAL Booklet 2019
P. 13

A member of Atlanta-based CDC Federal Credit Union was about to embark on a new life journey and make a career-initiated move to the sunny island of Jamaica, but she knew she would need additional funding to make it happen. She turned to her credit union. She requested a personal loan, but after working with one of the lending experts, she realized she had options.
Following advice from the credit union, the member decided to pull equity from her vehicle instead of taking out the personal loan. Once the paperwork was completed, the member was pleased to find her new payment didn’t increase much and she ended up saving her money overall. Had she gone with the personal loan, her interest rate and her payment would have been much higher.
Happy with her savings and ready for her new adventure, the member completed a worry-free move to Jamaica. She has since followed up with the credit union that helped make her journey possible and was ecstatic to report she and her daughter were settling nicely into their new life with their toes in the sand!

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