Beginning January 2, 2025 The League of Southeastern Credit Unions and Affiliates and the Virginia Credit Union League have formed one unified organization:
The League of Credit Unions and Affiliates. Please visit to view our new site.

Political Action Committees

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Contribute to LSCU FedPAC

What is a PAC?
Political Action Committees, also called PACs, are used by organizations such as LSCU for the purpose of raising and spending money to help elect candidates who are supportive of their industry. LSCU’s state and federal PACs’ sole mission is to support candidates for public office that are pro-credit union. By pooling resources, LSCU members can maximize the collective impact of donations in support of those who promote favorable legislation to support and enhance the credit union industry. Credit Union PAC support drives advocacy victories!

Why do credit unions need PACs?
State and federal lawmakers make decisions every day that could potentially affect credit unions. Other financial institutions, with interests very different from credit unions, actively lobby, campaign and contribute to candidates favorable to their cause. To ensure our industry remains strong and vital, credit unions must actively support and elect candidates for public office that share the credit union vision. This is done through LSCU PACs!


LSCU Fed PAC – LSCU Fed PAC is a federally registered political action committee. LSCU Fed PAC makes contributions to federal candidates in Alabama, Florida and Georgia who are credit union champions. Only individual contributions are accepted.
ACULAC – Alabama Credit Union Legislative Action Council is the LSCU’s state registered political action committee. ACULAC makes contributions to candidates for the Alabama Legislature and other statewide offices. Corporate and individual contributions are accepted.
Florida CUPAC – Florida Credit Union Political Action Committee (CUPAC) is the LSCU’s state registered political action committee. CUPAC makes contributions to candidates for the Florida Legislature and other statewide elective offices. Corporate and individual contributions are accepted.
Georgia CUPAC – Georgia Credit Union Political Action Committee (CUPAC) is the LSCU’s state registered political action committee. CUPAC makes contributions to candidates for the Georgia General Assembly and other statewide elective offices. Corporate and individual contributions are accepted.
Southeastern Advocacy Fund – In years past, credit unions have been subject to legislative and legal challenges to our membership, tax exemption, charter and operational authority. In response to these threats, Southeastern Advocacy Fund was established to provide education about specific credit union issues to the general public and to elected officials.
LSCU PACs Checklist
Contribute to LSCU FedPAC. By making a personal contribution to LSCU FedPAC you will join the group of dedicated credit union advocates who are committed to the future of our industry. Wear your LSCU PAC lapel pin with pride to LSCU events, chapter dinners, and credit union functions to show your level of support and that you are a credit union advocate.
Updating your FedPAC Permission Agreement. Federal law requires that we receive the permission from credit unions before they can participate in LSCU FedPAC. If you’ve not yet updated your permission agreement for 2023, please click here and fill out the form.
Enroll your credit union employees in LSCU’s payroll deduction program for LSCU FedPAC so credit unions can support credit union friendly candidates to congress.
Get your members involved. From Deduct-A-Buck to Candy Bar Sales, LSCU has many programs for your credit union to get your members involved in PAC Fundraising. Check out the PAC resources section for more information.
PAC Resources

PAC fundraising can seem complicated. The LSCU has many resources to help explain what PAC fundraising is, how to plan and why it’s important to credit unions. Save it on your computer or print it out for your staff. Contact Natalie Riner for more information.

PAC Signature Events
The League of Southeastern Credit Unions & Affiliates (LSCU) hosts a silent auction benefiting LSCU PACs each year at the Southeastern Credit Union Conference & Expo (SCUCE) in Orlando, FL. The 2022 Silent Auction raised over $36,400 for LSCU PACs, breaking the previous fundraising record! As we approach SCUCE in 2023, be on the lookout for more information regarding the Annual Silent Auction.
More than 20 attendees enjoyed the LSCU’s 10th annual Quail Hunt for FedPAC presented by Corporate America Credit Union, Oct. 24-25 at Southern Woods Plantation in Sylvester, Ga. The event raised nearly $10,000 for LSCU FedPAC.
Guests enjoyed hunting the 2,200 acre property followed by a networking reception and dinner sponsored by MBFS on Oct. 24. At the end of the event, a drawing for a CZ-USA Redhead Premier shotgun was held with Henry Armstrong of Auburn University Credit Union in Alabama winning the prize. The League would like to thank this year’s sponsors including presenting sponsor, Corporate America Credit Union; food and beverage sponsor, MBFS; gun raffle sponsor, STS Group; sporting clay sponsor, CUACG; partner sponsor, Print Resources, Inc.; and contributing sponsor, Corporate One Credit Union.

Quail Hunt

Quail Hunt

Contributions to the state or federal PACs are not tax deductible. Contributions are strictly voluntary and you have the right to refuse to contribute without reprisal. Contributions from individuals outside of the solicitable class will be returned. Federal election law requires us to report the name, address, occupation, and/or name of the employer for individuals who contribute $200 or more in a calendar year.

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