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Southeast Credit Union Conference & Expo

Safety & Security Workshop

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Safety & Security Awareness Workshop

Donnette' Logan, Business Consultant at LEVERAGE, will moderate the lively and timely presentations for the Safety & Security Awareness Workshop featuring:

Jim Soenksen
CEO, Pivot Group LLC

CYBERSECURITY: The Best Controls to Protect Your Members Information
Has (or Will) the Pandemic Continue to Change the Threat Landscape?

As with your day-to-day operations, the pandemic has changed the cybersecurity threat landscape and the most effective ways credit unions should be protecting your members information. In addition, the information security best practices have been challenged by your delivery/service mediums that have changed as well to meet your member’s expectations. In this session, we will look at how the threat landscape has changed during this pandemic and how cybersecurity best practices have/should change as well. Additionally, we will look at what the balance of 2021 has in store to examine and adjust our current cybersecurity controls to meet the predicted upcoming threat landscape.

Chris Gill
Senior Manager, Risk & Compliance Solutions, America's Credit Unions Mutual Group

Preparing for the Unknowns of Employee Safety & Wellness
All credit unions have a responsibility to protect employees, members, and visitors by taking measures to detect potential incidents and mitigate the consequences. Every office location is different which presents a different risk or threat profile; not to mention, they also all face different challenges. Think about what the safety and wellness risks are – active shooter incidents, slip & falls, workplace ergonomics, special events - and identify how to reduce that risk, because obviously you can’t take risk to zero. Additionally, the pandemic along with changing consumer, political, and socio-economic status has required change in many ways. This session will highlight some of the marketplace realities, changes and obstacles that are requiring your operational strategies and protection to be adjusted.

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